H90 |
Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss [+]
Excludes 1: |
deaf nonspeaking NEC (H91.3) deafness NOS (H91.9-) hearing loss NOS (H91.9-) noise-induced hearing loss (H83.3-) ototoxic hearing loss (H91.0-) sudden (idiopathic) hearing loss (H91.2-)
H90.0 |
Conductive hearing loss, bilateral
H90.1 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.11 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.12 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.2 |
Conductive hearing loss, unspecified Conductive deafness NOS
H90.3 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.4 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.41 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.42 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.5 |
Unspecified sensorineural hearing loss Central hearing loss NOS Congenital deafness NOS Neural hearing loss NOS Perceptive hearing loss NOS Sensorineural deafness NOS Sensory hearing loss NOS
Excludes 1: |
abnormal auditory perception (H93.2-) psychogenic deafness (F44.6)
H90.6 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.7 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.71 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.72 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.8 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
H90.A |
Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss with restricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.A1 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.A11 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A12 |
Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A2 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.A21 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A22 |
Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A3 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with restricted hearing on the contralateral side [+]
H90.A31 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A32 |
Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H91 |
Other and unspecified hearing loss [+]
Excludes 1: |
abnormal auditory perception (H93.2-) hearing loss as classified in H90.- impacted cerumen (H61.2-) noise-induced hearing loss (H83.3-) psychogenic deafness (F44.6) transient ischemic deafness (H93.01-)
H91.0 |
Ototoxic hearing loss [+]
Code first |
poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4)
Use additional |
code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) |
H91.01 |
Ototoxic hearing loss, right ear
H91.02 |
Ototoxic hearing loss, left ear
H91.03 |
Ototoxic hearing loss, bilateral
H91.09 |
Ototoxic hearing loss, unspecified ear
H91.1 |
Presbycusis [+] Presbyacusia
H91.10 |
Presbycusis, unspecified ear
H91.11 |
Presbycusis, right ear
H91.12 |
Presbycusis, left ear
H91.13 |
Presbycusis, bilateral
H91.2 |
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss [+] Sudden hearing loss NOS
H91.20 |
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, unspecified ear
H91.21 |
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, right ear
H91.22 |
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, left ear
H91.23 |
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, bilateral
H91.3 |
Deaf nonspeaking, not elsewhere classified
H91.8 |
Other specified hearing loss [+]
H91.8X |
Other specified hearing loss [+]
H91.8X1 |
Other specified hearing loss, right ear
H91.8X2 |
Other specified hearing loss, left ear
H91.8X3 |
Other specified hearing loss, bilateral
H91.8X9 |
Other specified hearing loss, unspecified ear
H91.9 |
Unspecified hearing loss [+] Deafness NOS High frequency deafness Low frequency deafness
H91.90 |
Unspecified hearing loss, unspecified ear
H91.91 |
Unspecified hearing loss, right ear
H91.92 |
Unspecified hearing loss, left ear
H91.93 |
Unspecified hearing loss, bilateral
H92 |
Otalgia and effusion of ear [+]
H92.0 |
Otalgia [+]
H92.1 |
Otorrhea [+]
Excludes 1: |
leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through ear (G96.0)
H92.2 |
Otorrhagia [+]
Excludes 1: |
traumatic otorrhagia - code to injury
H92.20 |
Otorrhagia, unspecified ear
H92.21 |
Otorrhagia, right ear
H92.22 |
Otorrhagia, left ear
H92.23 |
Otorrhagia, bilateral
H93 |
Other disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified [+]
H93.0 |
Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear [+]
Excludes 1: |
presbycusis (H91.1)
H93.01 |
Transient ischemic deafness [+]
H93.011 |
Transient ischemic deafness, right ear
H93.012 |
Transient ischemic deafness, left ear
H93.013 |
Transient ischemic deafness, bilateral
H93.019 |
Transient ischemic deafness, unspecified ear
H93.09 |
Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of ear [+]
H93.091 |
Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of right ear
H93.092 |
Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of left ear
H93.093 |
Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of ear, bilateral
H93.099 |
Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of unspecified ear
H93.1 |
Tinnitus [+]
H93.A |
Pulsatile tinnitus [+]
H93.A1 |
Pulsatile tinnitus, right ear
H93.A2 |
Pulsatile tinnitus, left ear
H93.A3 |
Pulsatile tinnitus, bilateral
H93.A9 |
Pulsatile tinnitus, unspecified ear
H93.2 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions [+]
Excludes 2: |
auditory hallucinations (R44.0)
H93.21 |
Auditory recruitment [+]
H93.211 |
Auditory recruitment, right ear
H93.212 |
Auditory recruitment, left ear
H93.213 |
Auditory recruitment, bilateral
H93.219 |
Auditory recruitment, unspecified ear
H93.22 |
Diplacusis [+]
H93.23 |
Hyperacusis [+]
H93.24 |
Temporary auditory threshold shift [+]
H93.241 |
Temporary auditory threshold shift, right ear
H93.242 |
Temporary auditory threshold shift, left ear
H93.243 |
Temporary auditory threshold shift, bilateral
H93.249 |
Temporary auditory threshold shift, unspecified ear
H93.25 |
Central auditory processing disorder Congenital auditory imperception Word deafness
Excludes 1: |
mixed receptive-expressive language disorder (F80.2)
H93.29 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions [+]
H93.291 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions, right ear
H93.292 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions, left ear
H93.293 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions, bilateral
H93.299 |
Other abnormal auditory perceptions, unspecified ear
H93.3 |
Disorders of acoustic nerve [+] Disorder of 8th cranial nerve
Excludes 1: |
acoustic neuroma (D33.3) syphilitic acoustic neuritis (A52.15)
H93.3X |
Disorders of acoustic nerve [+]
H93.3X1 |
Disorders of right acoustic nerve
H93.3X2 |
Disorders of left acoustic nerve
H93.3X3 |
Disorders of bilateral acoustic nerves
H93.3X9 |
Disorders of unspecified acoustic nerve
H93.8 |
Other specified disorders of ear [+]
H93.8X |
Other specified disorders of ear [+]
H93.8X1 |
Other specified disorders of right ear
H93.8X2 |
Other specified disorders of left ear
H93.8X3 |
Other specified disorders of ear, bilateral
H93.8X9 |
Other specified disorders of ear, unspecified ear
H93.9 |
Unspecified disorder of ear [+]
H93.90 |
Unspecified disorder of ear, unspecified ear
H93.91 |
Unspecified disorder of right ear
H93.92 |
Unspecified disorder of left ear
H93.93 |
Unspecified disorder of ear, bilateral
H94 |
Other disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere [+]
H94.0 |
Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere [+]
Code first |
underlying disease, such as: parasitic disease (B65-B89)
Excludes 1: |
acoustic neuritis (in): herpes zoster (B02.29) syphilis (A52.15)
H94.00 |
Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified ear
H94.01 |
Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, right ear
H94.02 |
Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, left ear
H94.03 |
Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, bilateral
H94.8 |
Other specified disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere [+]
Code first |
underlying disease, such as: congenital syphilis (A50.0)
Excludes 1: |
aural myiasis (B87.4) syphilitic labyrinthitis (A52.79)
H94.80 |
Other specified disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified ear
H94.81 |
Other specified disorders of right ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H94.82 |
Other specified disorders of left ear in diseases classified elsewhere
H94.83 |
Other specified disorders of ear in diseases classified elsewhere, bilateral