F40 |
Phobic anxiety disorders [+]
F40.0 |
Agoraphobia [+]
F40.00 |
Agoraphobia, unspecified
F40.01 |
Agoraphobia with panic disorder Panic disorder with agoraphobia
Excludes 1: |
panic disorder without agoraphobia (F41.0)
F40.02 |
Agoraphobia without panic disorder
F40.1 |
Social phobias [+] Anthropophobia Social anxiety disorder Social anxiety disorder of childhood Social neurosis
F40.10 |
Social phobia, unspecified
F40.11 |
Social phobia, generalized
F40.2 |
Specific (isolated) phobias [+]
Excludes 2: |
dysmorphophobia (nondelusional) (F45.22) nosophobia (F45.22)
F40.21 |
Animal type phobia [+]
F40.22 |
Natural environment type phobia [+]
F40.220 |
Fear of thunderstorms
F40.228 |
Other natural environment type phobia
F40.23 |
Blood, injection, injury type phobia [+]
F40.24 |
Situational type phobia [+]
F40.29 |
Other specified phobia [+]
F40.8 |
Other phobic anxiety disorders Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood
F40.9 |
Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified Phobia NOS Phobic state NOS
F41 |
Other anxiety disorders [+]
Excludes 2: |
anxiety in: acute stress reaction (F43.0) transient adjustment reaction (F43.2) neurasthenia (F48.8) psychophysiologic disorders (F45.-) separation anxiety (F93.0)
F41.0 |
Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] Panic attack Panic state
Excludes 1: |
panic disorder with agoraphobia (F40.01)
F41.1 |
Generalized anxiety disorder Anxiety neurosis Anxiety reaction Anxiety state Overanxious disorder
Excludes 2: |
neurasthenia (F48.8)
F41.3 |
Other mixed anxiety disorders
F41.8 |
Other specified anxiety disorders Anxiety depression (mild or not persistent) Anxiety hysteria Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
F41.9 |
Anxiety disorder, unspecified Anxiety NOS
F42 |
Obsessive-compulsive disorder [+]
Excludes 2: |
obsessive-compulsive personality (disorder) (F60.5) obsessive-compulsive symptoms occurring in depression (F32-F33) obsessive-compulsive symptoms occurring in schizophrenia (F20.-)
F42.2 |
Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts
F42.3 |
Hoarding disorder
F42.4 |
Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder
Excludes 1: |
factitial dermatitis (L98.1) other specified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in early childhood and adolescence (F98.8)
F42.8 |
Other obsessive-compulsive disorder Anancastic neurosis Obsessive-compulsive neurosis
F42.9 |
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified
F43 |
Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders [+]
F43.0 |
Acute stress reaction Acute crisis reaction Acute reaction to stress Combat and operational stress reaction Combat fatigue Crisis state Psychic shock
F43.1 |
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [+] Traumatic neurosis
F43.10 |
Post-traumatic stress disorder, unspecified
F43.11 |
Post-traumatic stress disorder, acute
F43.12 |
Post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic
F43.2 |
Adjustment disorders [+] Culture shock Grief reaction Hospitalism in children
Excludes 2: |
separation anxiety disorder of childhood (F93.0)
F43.20 |
Adjustment disorder, unspecified
F43.21 |
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
F43.22 |
Adjustment disorder with anxiety
F43.23 |
Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood
F43.24 |
Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct
F43.25 |
Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
F43.29 |
Adjustment disorder with other symptoms
F43.8 |
Other reactions to severe stress [+] Other specified trauma and stressor-related disorder
F43.81 |
Prolonged grief disorder Complicated grief Complicated grief disorder Persistent complex bereavement disorder
F43.89 |
Other reactions to severe stress
F43.9 |
Reaction to severe stress, unspecified Trauma and stressor-related disorder, NOS Unspecified trauma and stressor-related disorder
F44 |
Dissociative and conversion disorders [+]
Includes: |
conversion hysteria conversion reaction hysteria hysterical psychosis
Excludes 2: |
malingering [conscious simulation] (Z76.5)
F44.0 |
Dissociative amnesia
Excludes 1: |
amnesia NOS (R41.3) anterograde amnesia (R41.1) dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue (F44.1) retrograde amnesia (R41.2)
Excludes 2: |
alcohol-or other psychoactive substance-induced amnestic disorder (F10, F13, F19 with .26, .96) amnestic disorder due to known physiological condition (F04) postictal amnesia in epilepsy (G40.-)
F44.1 |
Dissociative fugue Dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue
Excludes 2: |
postictal fugue in epilepsy (G40.-)
F44.2 |
Dissociative stupor
Excludes 1: |
catatonic stupor (R40.1) stupor NOS (R40.1)
Excludes 2: |
catatonic disorder due to known physiological condition (F06.1) depressive stupor (F32, F33) manic stupor (F30, F31)
F44.4 |
Conversion disorder with motor symptom or deficit Conversion disorder with abnormal movement Conversion disorder with speech symptoms Conversion disorder with swallowing symptoms Conversion disorder with weakness/paralysis Dissociative motor disorders Psychogenic aphonia Psychogenic dysphonia
F44.5 |
Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions Conversion disorder with attacks or seizures Dissociative convulsions
F44.6 |
Conversion disorder with sensory symptom or deficit Conversion disorder with anesthesia or sensory loss Conversion disorder with special sensory symptoms Dissociative anesthesia and sensory loss Psychogenic deafness
F44.7 |
Conversion disorder with mixed symptom presentation
F44.8 |
Other dissociative and conversion disorders [+]
F44.81 |
Dissociative identity disorder Multiple personality disorder
F44.89 |
Other dissociative and conversion disorders Ganser's syndrome Psychogenic confusion Psychogenic twilight state Trance and possession disorders
F44.9 |
Dissociative and conversion disorder, unspecified Dissociative disorder NOS
F45 |
Somatoform disorders [+]
Excludes 2: |
dissociative and conversion disorders (F44.-) factitious disorders (F68.1-, F68.A) hair-plucking (F63.3) lalling (F80.0) lisping (F80.0) malingering [conscious simulation] (Z76.5) nail-biting (F98.8) psychological or behavioral factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere (F54) sexual dysfunction, not due to a substance or known physiological condition (F52.-) thumb-sucking (F98.8) tic disorders (in childhood and adolescence) (F95.-) Tourette's syndrome (F95.2) trichotillomania (F63.3)
F45.0 |
Somatization disorder Briquet's disorder Multiple psychosomatic disorder
F45.1 |
Undifferentiated somatoform disorder Somatic symptom disorder Undifferentiated psychosomatic disorder
F45.2 |
Hypochondriacal disorders [+]
Excludes 2: |
delusional dysmorphophobia (F22) fixed delusions about bodily functions or shape (F22)
F45.20 |
Hypochondriacal disorder, unspecified
F45.21 |
Hypochondriasis Hypochondriacal neurosis Illness anxiety disorder
F45.22 |
Body dysmorphic disorder Bigorexia Dysmorphophobia (nondelusional) Muscle dysmorphia Nosophobia
F45.29 |
Other hypochondriacal disorders
F45.4 |
Pain disorders related to psychological factors [+]
Excludes 1: |
pain NOS (R52)
F45.41 |
Pain disorder exclusively related to psychological factors Somatoform pain disorder (persistent)
F45.42 |
Pain disorder with related psychological factors
Code also |
associated acute or chronic pain (G89.-)
F45.8 |
Other somatoform disorders Psychogenic dysmenorrhea Psychogenic dysphagia, including 'globus hystericus' Psychogenic pruritus Psychogenic torticollis Somatoform autonomic dysfunction Teeth grinding
Excludes 1: |
sleep related teeth grinding (G47.63)
F45.9 |
Somatoform disorder, unspecified Psychosomatic disorder NOS
F48 |
Other nonpsychotic mental disorders [+]
F48.1 |
Depersonalization-derealization syndrome
F48.2 |
Pseudobulbar affect Involuntary emotional expression disorder
Code first |
underlying cause, if known, such as: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (G12.21) multiple sclerosis (G35) sequelae of cerebrovascular disease (I69.-) sequelae of traumatic intracranial injury (S06.-)
F48.8 |
Other specified nonpsychotic mental disorders Dhat syndrome Neurasthenia Occupational neurosis, including writer's cramp Psychasthenia Psychasthenic neurosis Psychogenic syncope
F48.9 |
Nonpsychotic mental disorder, unspecified Neurosis NOS