E50 |
Vitamin A deficiency [+]
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of vitamin A deficiency (E64.1)
E50.0 |
Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis
E50.1 |
Vitamin A deficiency with Bitot's spot and conjunctival xerosis Bitot's spot in the young child
E50.2 |
Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis
E50.3 |
Vitamin A deficiency with corneal ulceration and xerosis
E50.4 |
Vitamin A deficiency with keratomalacia
E50.5 |
Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness
E50.6 |
Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic scars of cornea
E50.7 |
Other ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency Xerophthalmia NOS
E50.8 |
Other manifestations of vitamin A deficiency Follicular keratosis Xeroderma
E50.9 |
Vitamin A deficiency, unspecified Hypovitaminosis A NOS
E51 |
Thiamine deficiency [+]
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of thiamine deficiency (E64.8)
E51.1 |
Beriberi [+]
E51.11 |
Dry beriberi Beriberi NOS Beriberi with polyneuropathy
E51.12 |
Wet beriberi Beriberi with cardiovascular manifestations Cardiovascular beriberi Shoshin disease
E51.2 |
Wernicke's encephalopathy
E51.8 |
Other manifestations of thiamine deficiency
E51.9 |
Thiamine deficiency, unspecified
E52 |
Niacin deficiency [pellagra] Niacin (-tryptophan) deficiency Nicotinamide deficiency Pellagra (alcoholic)
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of niacin deficiency (E64.8)
E53 |
Deficiency of other B group vitamins [+]
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of vitamin B deficiency (E64.8)
E53.0 |
Riboflavin deficiency Ariboflavinosis Vitamin B2 deficiency
E53.1 |
Pyridoxine deficiency Vitamin B6 deficiency
Excludes 1: |
pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anemia (D64.3)
E53.8 |
Deficiency of other specified B group vitamins Biotin deficiency Cyanocobalamin deficiency Folate deficiency Folic acid deficiency Pantothenic acid deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency
Excludes 1: |
folate deficiency anemia (D52.-) vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (D51.-)
E53.9 |
Vitamin B deficiency, unspecified
E54 |
Ascorbic acid deficiency Deficiency of vitamin C Scurvy
Excludes 1: |
scorbutic anemia (D53.2) sequelae of vitamin C deficiency (E64.2)
E55 |
Vitamin D deficiency [+]
Excludes 1: |
adult osteomalacia (M83.-) osteoporosis (M80.-) sequelae of rickets (E64.3)
E55.0 |
Rickets, active Infantile osteomalacia Juvenile osteomalacia
Excludes 1: |
celiac rickets (K90.0) Crohn's rickets (K50.-) hereditary vitamin D-dependent rickets (E83.32) inactive rickets (E64.3) renal rickets (N25.0) sequelae of rickets (E64.3) vitamin D-resistant rickets (E83.31)
E55.9 |
Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified Avitaminosis D
E56 |
Other vitamin deficiencies [+]
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of other vitamin deficiencies (E64.8)
E56.0 |
Deficiency of vitamin E
E56.1 |
Deficiency of vitamin K
Excludes 1: |
deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency (D68.4) vitamin K deficiency of newborn (P53)
E56.8 |
Deficiency of other vitamins
E56.9 |
Vitamin deficiency, unspecified
E58 |
Dietary calcium deficiency
Excludes 1: |
disorders of calcium metabolism (E83.5-) sequelae of calcium deficiency (E64.8)
E59 |
Dietary selenium deficiency Keshan disease
Excludes 1: |
sequelae of selenium deficiency (E64.8)
E60 |
Dietary zinc deficiency
E61 |
Deficiency of other nutrient elements [+]
Use additional |
code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) |
Excludes 1: |
disorders of mineral metabolism (E83.-) iodine deficiency related thyroid disorders (E00-E02) sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies (E64.-)
E61.0 |
Copper deficiency
E61.1 |
Iron deficiency
Excludes 1: |
iron deficiency anemia (D50.-)
E61.2 |
Magnesium deficiency
E61.3 |
Manganese deficiency
E61.4 |
Chromium deficiency
E61.5 |
Molybdenum deficiency
E61.6 |
Vanadium deficiency
E61.7 |
Deficiency of multiple nutrient elements
E61.8 |
Deficiency of other specified nutrient elements
E61.9 |
Deficiency of nutrient element, unspecified
E63 |
Other nutritional deficiencies [+]
Excludes 2: |
dehydration (E86.0) failure to thrive, adult (R62.7) failure to thrive, child (R62.51) feeding problems in newborn (P92.-) sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies (E64.-)
E63.0 |
Essential fatty acid [EFA] deficiency
E63.1 |
Imbalance of constituents of food intake
E63.8 |
Other specified nutritional deficiencies
E63.9 |
Nutritional deficiency, unspecified
E64 |
Sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies [+]
Note: |
This category is to be used to indicate conditions in categories E43, E44, E46, E50-E63 as the cause of sequelae, which are themselves classified elsewhere. The 'sequelae' include conditions specified as such; they also include the late effects of diseases classifiable to the above categories if the disease itself is no longer present
Code first |
condition resulting from (sequela) of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies
E64.0 |
Sequelae of protein-calorie malnutrition
Excludes 2: |
retarded development following protein-calorie malnutrition (E45)
E64.1 |
Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency
E64.2 |
Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency
E64.3 |
Sequelae of rickets
E64.8 |
Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies
E64.9 |
Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency