Z00 |
Encounter for general examination without complaint, suspected or reported diagnosis [+]
Excludes 1: |
encounter for examination for administrative purposes (Z02.-)
Excludes 2: |
encounter for pre-procedural examinations (Z01.81-) special screening examinations (Z11-Z13)
Z00.0 |
Encounter for general adult medical examination [+] Encounter for adult periodic examination (annual) (physical) and any associated laboratory and radiologic examinations
Excludes 1: |
encounter for examination of sign or symptom- code to sign or symptom general health check-up of infant or child (Z00.12.-)
Z00.00 |
Encounter for general adult medical examination without abnormal findings Encounter for adult health check-up NOS
Z00.01 |
Encounter for general adult medical examination with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z00.1 |
Encounter for newborn, infant and child health examinations [+]
Z00.11 |
Newborn health examination [+] Health check for child under 29 days old
Use additional |
code to identify any abnormal findings |
Excludes 1: |
health check for child over 28 days old (Z00.12-)
Z00.110 |
Health examination for newborn under 8 days old Health check for newborn under 8 days old
Z00.111 |
Health examination for newborn 8 to 28 days old Health check for newborn 8 to 28 days old Newborn weight check
Z00.12 |
Encounter for routine child health examination [+] Health check (routine) for child over 28 days old Immunizations appropriate for age Routine developmental screening of infant or child Routine vision and hearing testing
Excludes 1: |
health check for child under 29 days old (Z00.11-) health supervision of foundling or other healthy infant or child (Z76.1-Z76.2) newborn health examination (Z00.11-)
Z00.121 |
Encounter for routine child health examination with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z00.129 |
Encounter for routine child health examination without abnormal findings Encounter for routine child health examination NOS
Z00.2 |
Encounter for examination for period of rapid growth in childhood
Z00.3 |
Encounter for examination for adolescent development state Encounter for puberty development state
Z00.5 |
Encounter for examination of potential donor of organ and tissue
Z00.6 |
Encounter for examination for normal comparison and control in clinical research program Examination of participant or control in clinical research program
Z00.7 |
Encounter for examination for period of delayed growth in childhood [+]
Z00.70 |
Encounter for examination for period of delayed growth in childhood without abnormal findings
Z00.71 |
Encounter for examination for period of delayed growth in childhood with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z00.8 |
Encounter for other general examination Encounter for health examination in population surveys
Z01 |
Encounter for other special examination without complaint, suspected or reported diagnosis [+]
Note: |
Codes from category Z01 represent the reason for the encounter. A separate procedure code is required to identify any examinations or procedures performed
Includes: |
routine examination of specific system
Excludes 1: |
encounter for examination for administrative purposes (Z02.-) encounter for examination for suspected conditions, proven not to exist (Z03.-) encounter for laboratory and radiologic examinations as a component of general medical examinations (Z00.0-) encounter for laboratory, radiologic and imaging examinations for sign(s) and symptom(s) - code to the sign(s) or symptom(s)
Excludes 2: |
screening examinations (Z11-Z13)
Z01.0 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision [+]
Excludes 1: |
examination for driving license (Z02.4)
Z01.00 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision without abnormal findings Encounter for examination of eyes and vision NOS
Z01.01 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.02 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision following failed vision screening [+]
Excludes 1: |
encounter for examination of eyes and vision with abnormal findings (Z01.01) encounter for examination of eyes and vision without abnormal findings (Z01.00)
Z01.020 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision following failed vision screening without abnormal findings
Z01.021 |
Encounter for examination of eyes and vision following failed vision screening with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.1 |
Encounter for examination of ears and hearing [+]
Z01.10 |
Encounter for examination of ears and hearing without abnormal findings Encounter for examination of ears and hearing NOS
Z01.11 |
Encounter for examination of ears and hearing with abnormal findings [+]
Z01.110 |
Encounter for hearing examination following failed hearing screening
Z01.118 |
Encounter for examination of ears and hearing with other abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.12 |
Encounter for hearing conservation and treatment
Z01.2 |
Encounter for dental examination and cleaning [+]
Z01.20 |
Encounter for dental examination and cleaning without abnormal findings Encounter for dental examination and cleaning NOS
Z01.21 |
Encounter for dental examination and cleaning with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.3 |
Encounter for examination of blood pressure [+]
Z01.30 |
Encounter for examination of blood pressure without abnormal findings Encounter for examination of blood pressure NOS
Z01.31 |
Encounter for examination of blood pressure with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.4 |
Encounter for gynecological examination [+]
Excludes 2: |
pregnancy examination or test (Z32.0-) routine examination for contraceptive maintenance (Z30.4-)
Z01.41 |
Encounter for routine gynecological examination [+] Encounter for general gynecological examination with or without cervical smear Encounter for gynecological examination (general) (routine) NOS Encounter for pelvic examination (annual) (periodic)
Use additional |
code: |
Use additional |
for screening for human papillomavirus, if applicable, (Z11.51) |
Use additional |
for screening vaginal pap smear, if applicable (Z12.72) |
Use additional |
to identify acquired absence of uterus, if applicable (Z90.71-) |
Excludes 1: |
gynecologic examination status-post hysterectomy for malignant condition (Z08) screening cervical pap smear not a part of a routine gynecological examination (Z12.4)
Z01.411 |
Encounter for gynecological examination (general) (routine) with abnormal findings
Use additional |
code to identify abnormal findings |
Z01.419 |
Encounter for gynecological examination (general) (routine) without abnormal findings
Z01.42 |
Encounter for cervical smear to confirm findings of recent normal smear following initial abnormal smear
Z01.8 |
Encounter for other specified special examinations [+]
Z01.81 |
Encounter for preprocedural examinations [+] Encounter for preoperative examinations Encounter for radiological and imaging examinations as part of preprocedural examination
Z01.810 |
Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination
Z01.811 |
Encounter for preprocedural respiratory examination
Z01.812 |
Encounter for preprocedural laboratory examination Blood and urine tests prior to treatment or procedure
Z01.818 |
Encounter for other preprocedural examination Encounter for preprocedural examination NOS Encounter for examinations prior to antineoplastic chemotherapy
Z01.82 |
Encounter for allergy testing
Excludes 1: |
encounter for antibody response examination (Z01.84)
Z01.83 |
Encounter for blood typing Encounter for Rh typing
Z01.84 |
Encounter for antibody response examination Encounter for immunity status testing
Excludes 1: |
encounter for allergy testing (Z01.82)
Z01.89 |
Encounter for other specified special examinations
Z02 |
Encounter for administrative examination [+]
Z02.0 |
Encounter for examination for admission to educational institution Encounter for examination for admission to preschool (education) Encounter for examination for re-admission to school following illness or medical treatment
Z02.1 |
Encounter for pre-employment examination
Z02.2 |
Encounter for examination for admission to residential institution
Excludes 1: |
examination for admission to prison (Z02.89)
Z02.3 |
Encounter for examination for recruitment to armed forces
Z02.4 |
Encounter for examination for driving license
Z02.5 |
Encounter for examination for participation in sport
Excludes 1: |
blood-alcohol and blood-drug test (Z02.83)
Z02.6 |
Encounter for examination for insurance purposes
Z02.7 |
Encounter for issue of medical certificate [+]
Excludes 1: |
encounter for general medical examination (Z00-Z01, Z02.0-Z02.6, Z02.8-Z02.9)
Z02.71 |
Encounter for disability determination Encounter for issue of medical certificate of incapacity Encounter for issue of medical certificate of invalidity
Z02.79 |
Encounter for issue of other medical certificate
Z02.8 |
Encounter for other administrative examinations [+]
Z02.81 |
Encounter for paternity testing
Z02.82 |
Encounter for adoption services
Z02.83 |
Encounter for blood-alcohol and blood-drug test
Use additional |
code for findings of alcohol or drugs in blood (R78.-) |
Z02.84 |
Encounter for child welfare exam Encounter for child welfare screening exam
Excludes 2: |
encounter for examination and observation for alleged child physical abuse (Z04.72) encounter for examination and observation for alleged child rape (Z04.42)
Z02.89 |
Encounter for other administrative examinations Encounter for examination for admission to prison Encounter for examination for admission to summer camp Encounter for immigration examination Encounter for naturalization examination Encounter for premarital examination
Excludes 1: |
health supervision of foundling or other healthy infant or child (Z76.1-Z76.2)
Z02.9 |
Encounter for administrative examinations, unspecified
Z03 |
Encounter for medical observation for suspected diseases and conditions ruled out [+] This category is to be used when a person without a diagnosis is suspected of having an abnormal condition, without signs or symptoms, which requires study, but after examination and observation, is ruled out. This category is also for use for administrative and legal observation status.
Excludes 1: |
contact with and (suspected) exposures hazardous to health (Z77.-) encounter for observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected diseases and conditions ruled out (Z05.-) person with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is made (Z71.1) signs or symptoms under study- code to signs or symptoms
Z03.6 |
Encounter for observation for suspected toxic effect from ingested substance ruled out Encounter for observation for suspected adverse effect from drug Encounter for observation for suspected poisoning
Z03.7 |
Encounter for suspected maternal and fetal conditions ruled out [+] Encounter for suspected maternal and fetal conditions not found
Excludes 1: |
known or suspected fetal anomalies affecting management of mother, not ruled out (O26.-, O35.-, O36.-, O40.-, O41.-)
Z03.71 |
Encounter for suspected problem with amniotic cavity and membrane ruled out Encounter for suspected oligohydramnios ruled out Encounter for suspected polyhydramnios ruled out
Z03.72 |
Encounter for suspected placental problem ruled out
Z03.73 |
Encounter for suspected fetal anomaly ruled out
Z03.74 |
Encounter for suspected problem with fetal growth ruled out
Z03.75 |
Encounter for suspected cervical shortening ruled out
Z03.79 |
Encounter for other suspected maternal and fetal conditions ruled out
Z03.8 |
Encounter for observation for other suspected diseases and conditions ruled out [+]
Z03.81 |
Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to biological agents ruled out [+]
Z03.810 |
Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to anthrax ruled out
Z03.818 |
Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out
Z03.82 |
Encounter for observation for suspected foreign body ruled out [+]
Excludes 1: |
retained foreign body (Z18.-) retained foreign body in eyelid (H02.81) residual foreign body in soft tissue (M79.5)
Excludes 2: |
confirmed foreign body ingestion or aspiration including: foreign body in alimentary tract (T18) foreign body in ear (T16) foreign body on external eye (T15) foreign body in respiratory tract (T17)
Z03.821 |
Encounter for observation for suspected ingested foreign body ruled out
Z03.822 |
Encounter for observation for suspected aspirated (inhaled) foreign body ruled out
Z03.823 |
Encounter for observation for suspected inserted (injected) foreign body ruled out Encounter for observation for suspected inserted (injected) foreign body in eye ruled out Encounter for observation for suspected inserted (injected) foreign body in orifice ruled out Encounter for observation for suspected inserted (injected) foreign body in skin ruled out
Z03.83 |
Encounter for observation for suspected conditions related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out Encounter for observation for apnea alarm without findings Encounter for observation for bradycardia alarm without findings Encounter for observation for malfunction of home cardiorespiratory monitor Encounter for observation for non-specific findings home physiologic monitoring device Encounter for observation for pulse oximeter alarm without findings
Excludes 1: |
apnea NOS (R06.81) neonatal bradycardia (P29.12) newborn apnea (P28.4-) primary sleep apnea of newborn (P28.3-) sleep apnea (G47.3-)
Z03.89 |
Encounter for observation for other suspected diseases and conditions ruled out
Z04 |
Encounter for examination and observation for other reasons [+]
Includes: |
encounter for examination for medicolegal reasons This category is to be used when a person without a diagnosis is suspected of having an abnormal condition, without signs or symptoms, which requires study, but after examination and observation, is ruled-out. This category is also for use for administrative and legal observation status.
Z04.1 |
Encounter for examination and observation following transport accident
Excludes 1: |
encounter for examination and observation following work accident (Z04.2)
Z04.2 |
Encounter for examination and observation following work accident
Z04.3 |
Encounter for examination and observation following other accident
Z04.4 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged rape [+] Encounter for examination and observation of victim following alleged rape Encounter for examination and observation of victim following alleged sexual abuse
Z04.41 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged adult rape Suspected adult rape, ruled out Suspected adult sexual abuse, ruled out
Z04.42 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged child rape Suspected child rape, ruled out Suspected child sexual abuse, ruled out
Z04.6 |
Encounter for general psychiatric examination, requested by authority
Z04.7 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged physical abuse [+]
Z04.71 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged adult physical abuse Suspected adult physical abuse, ruled out
Excludes 1: |
confirmed case of adult physical abuse (T74.-) encounter for examination and observation following alleged adult sexual abuse (Z04.41) suspected case of adult physical abuse, not ruled out (T76.-)
Z04.72 |
Encounter for examination and observation following alleged child physical abuse Suspected child physical abuse, ruled out
Excludes 1: |
confirmed case of child physical abuse (T74.-) encounter for examination and observation following alleged child sexual abuse (Z04.42) suspected case of child physical abuse, not ruled out (T76.-)
Z04.8 |
Encounter for examination and observation for other specified reasons [+] Encounter for examination and observation for request for expert evidence
Z04.81 |
Encounter for examination and observation of victim following forced sexual exploitation
Z04.82 |
Encounter for examination and observation of victim following forced labor exploitation
Z04.89 |
Encounter for examination and observation for other specified reasons
Z04.9 |
Encounter for examination and observation for unspecified reason Encounter for observation NOS
Z05 |
Encounter for observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected diseases and conditions ruled out [+] This category is to be used for newborns, within the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life), who are suspected of having an abnormal condition, but without signs or symptoms, and which, after examination and observation, is ruled out.
Z05.0 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected cardiac condition ruled out
Z05.1 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected infectious condition ruled out
Z05.2 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected neurological condition ruled out
Z05.3 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected respiratory condition ruled out
Z05.4 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genetic, metabolic or immunologic condition ruled out [+]
Z05.41 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genetic condition ruled out
Z05.42 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected metabolic condition ruled out
Z05.43 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected immunologic condition ruled out
Z05.5 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected gastrointestinal condition ruled out
Z05.6 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genitourinary condition ruled out
Z05.7 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected skin, subcutaneous, musculoskeletal and connective tissue condition ruled out [+]
Z05.71 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected skin and subcutaneous tissue condition ruled out
Z05.72 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected musculoskeletal condition ruled out
Z05.73 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected connective tissue condition ruled out
Z05.8 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for other specified suspected condition ruled out [+]
Z05.81 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected condition related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out Encounter for observation of newborn for apnea alarm without findings Encounter for observation of newborn for bradycardia alarm without findings Encounter for observation of newborn for malfunction of home cardiorespiratory monitor Encounter for observation of newborn for non-specific findings home physiologic monitoring device Encounter for observation of newborn for pulse oximeter alarm without findings
Excludes 1: |
encounter for observation for suspected conditions related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out (Z03.83) neonatal bradycardia (P29.12) other newborn apnea (P28.4-) primary sleep apnea of newborn (P28.3-)
Z05.89 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for other specified suspected condition ruled out
Z05.9 |
Observation and evaluation of newborn for unspecified suspected condition ruled out
Z08 |
Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm Medical surveillance following completed treatment
Use additional |
code to identify any acquired absence of organs (Z90.-) |
Use additional |
code to identify the personal history of malignant neoplasm (Z85.-) |
Excludes 1: |
aftercare following medical care (Z43-Z49, Z51)
Z09 |
Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasm Medical surveillance following completed treatment
Use additional |
code to identify any applicable history of disease code (Z86.-, Z87.-) |
Excludes 1: |
aftercare following medical care (Z43-Z49, Z51) surveillance of contraception (Z30.4-) surveillance of prosthetic and other medical devices (Z44-Z46)
Z11 |
Encounter for screening for infectious and parasitic diseases [+] Screening is the testing for disease or disease precursors in asymptomatic individuals so that early detection and treatment can be provided for those who test positive for the disease.
Excludes 1: |
encounter for diagnostic examination-code to sign or symptom
Z11.0 |
Encounter for screening for intestinal infectious diseases
Z11.1 |
Encounter for screening for respiratory tuberculosis Encounter for screening for active tuberculosis disease
Z11.2 |
Encounter for screening for other bacterial diseases
Z11.3 |
Encounter for screening for infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission
Excludes 2: |
encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] (Z11.4) encounter for screening for human papillomavirus (Z11.51)
Z11.4 |
Encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]
Z11.5 |
Encounter for screening for other viral diseases [+]
Excludes 2: |
encounter for screening for viral intestinal disease (Z11.0)
Z11.51 |
Encounter for screening for human papillomavirus (HPV)
Z11.52 |
Encounter for screening for COVID-19
Z11.59 |
Encounter for screening for other viral diseases
Z11.6 |
Encounter for screening for other protozoal diseases and helminthiases
Excludes 2: |
encounter for screening for protozoal intestinal disease (Z11.0)
Z11.7 |
Encounter for testing for latent tuberculosis infection
Z11.8 |
Encounter for screening for other infectious and parasitic diseases Encounter for screening for chlamydia Encounter for screening for rickettsial Encounter for screening for spirochetal Encounter for screening for mycoses
Z11.9 |
Encounter for screening for infectious and parasitic diseases, unspecified
Z12 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasms [+] Screening is the testing for disease or disease precursors in asymptomatic individuals so that early detection and treatment can be provided for those who test positive for the disease.
Use additional |
code to identify any family history of malignant neoplasm (Z80.-) |
Excludes 1: |
encounter for diagnostic examination-code to sign or symptom
Z12.0 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of stomach
Z12.1 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract [+]
Z12.10 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, unspecified
Z12.11 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon Encounter for screening colonoscopy NOS
Z12.12 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of rectum
Z12.13 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of small intestine
Z12.2 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of respiratory organs
Z12.3 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of breast [+]
Z12.31 |
Encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of breast
Excludes 1: |
inconclusive mammogram (R92.2)
Z12.39 |
Encounter for other screening for malignant neoplasm of breast
Z12.4 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of cervix Encounter for screening pap smear for malignant neoplasm of cervix
Excludes 1: |
when screening is part of general gynecological examination (Z01.4-)
Excludes 2: |
encounter for screening for human papillomavirus (Z11.51)
Z12.5 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of prostate
Z12.6 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of bladder
Z12.7 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of other genitourinary organs [+]
Z12.71 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of testis
Z12.72 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of vagina Vaginal pap smear status-post hysterectomy for non-malignant condition
Use additional |
code to identify acquired absence of uterus (Z90.71-) |
Excludes 1: |
vaginal pap smear status-post hysterectomy for malignant conditions (Z08)
Z12.73 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of ovary
Z12.79 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of other genitourinary organs
Z12.8 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of other sites [+]
Z12.81 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of oral cavity
Z12.82 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of nervous system
Z12.83 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of skin
Z12.89 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of other sites
Z12.9 |
Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm, site unspecified
Z13 |
Encounter for screening for other diseases and disorders [+] Screening is the testing for disease or disease precursors in asymptomatic individuals so that early detection and treatment can be provided for those who test positive for the disease.
Excludes 1: |
encounter for diagnostic examination-code to sign or symptom
Z13.0 |
Encounter for screening for diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
Z13.1 |
Encounter for screening for diabetes mellitus
Z13.2 |
Encounter for screening for nutritional, metabolic and other endocrine disorders [+]
Z13.21 |
Encounter for screening for nutritional disorder
Z13.22 |
Encounter for screening for metabolic disorder [+]
Z13.220 |
Encounter for screening for lipoid disorders Encounter for screening for cholesterol level Encounter for screening for hypercholesterolemia Encounter for screening for hyperlipidemia
Z13.228 |
Encounter for screening for other metabolic disorders
Z13.29 |
Encounter for screening for other suspected endocrine disorder
Excludes 2: |
encounter for screening for diabetes mellitus (Z13.1)
Z13.3 |
Encounter for screening examination for mental health and behavioral disorders [+]
Z13.30 |
Encounter for screening examination for mental health and behavioral disorders, unspecified
Z13.31 |
Encounter for screening for depression Encounter for screening for depression, adult Encounter for screening for depression for child or adolescent
Z13.32 |
Encounter for screening for maternal depression Encounter for screening for perinatal depression
Z13.39 |
Encounter for screening examination for other mental health and behavioral disorders Encounter for screening for alcoholism Encounter for screening for intellectual disabilities
Z13.4 |
Encounter for screening for certain developmental disorders in childhood [+] Encounter for development testing of infant or child Encounter for screening for developmental handicaps in early childhood
Excludes 2: |
encounter for routine child health examination (Z00.12-)
Z13.40 |
Encounter for screening for unspecified developmental delays
Z13.41 |
Encounter for autism screening
Z13.42 |
Encounter for screening for global developmental delays (milestones) Encounter for screening for developmental handicaps in early childhood
Z13.49 |
Encounter for screening for other developmental delays
Z13.5 |
Encounter for screening for eye and ear disorders
Excludes 2: |
encounter for general hearing examination (Z01.1-) encounter for general vision examination (Z01.0-)
Z13.6 |
Encounter for screening for cardiovascular disorders
Z13.7 |
Encounter for screening for genetic and chromosomal anomalies [+]
Excludes 1: |
genetic testing for procreative management (Z31.4-)
Z13.71 |
Encounter for nonprocreative screening for genetic disease carrier status
Z13.79 |
Encounter for other screening for genetic and chromosomal anomalies
Z13.8 |
Encounter for screening for other specified diseases and disorders [+]
Excludes 2: |
screening for malignant neoplasms (Z12.-)
Z13.81 |
Encounter for screening for digestive system disorders [+]
Z13.810 |
Encounter for screening for upper gastrointestinal disorder
Z13.811 |
Encounter for screening for lower gastrointestinal disorder
Excludes 1: |
encounter for screening for intestinal infectious disease (Z11.0)
Z13.818 |
Encounter for screening for other digestive system disorders
Z13.82 |
Encounter for screening for musculoskeletal disorder [+]
Z13.820 |
Encounter for screening for osteoporosis
Z13.828 |
Encounter for screening for other musculoskeletal disorder
Z13.83 |
Encounter for screening for respiratory disorder NEC
Excludes 1: |
encounter for screening for respiratory tuberculosis (Z11.1)
Z13.84 |
Encounter for screening for dental disorders
Z13.85 |
Encounter for screening for nervous system disorders [+]
Z13.850 |
Encounter for screening for traumatic brain injury
Z13.858 |
Encounter for screening for other nervous system disorders
Z13.88 |
Encounter for screening for disorder due to exposure to contaminants
Excludes 1: |
those exposed to contaminants without suspected disorders (Z57.-, Z77.-)
Z13.89 |
Encounter for screening for other disorder Encounter for screening for genitourinary disorders
Z13.9 |
Encounter for screening, unspecified