T66 |
Radiation sickness, unspecified
Excludes 1: |
specified adverse effects of radiation, such as: burns (T20-T31) leukemia (C91-C95) radiation gastroenteritis and colitis (K52.0) radiation pneumonitis (J70.0) radiation related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59) sunburn (L55.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code T66 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T67 |
Effects of heat and light [+]
Excludes 1: |
erythema [dermatitis] ab igne (L59.0) malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthesia (T88.3) radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59)
Excludes 2: |
burns (T20-T31) sunburn (L55.-) sweat disorder due to heat (L74-L75)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T67 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T67.0 |
Heatstroke and sunstroke [+]
Use additional |
code(s) to identify any associated complications of heatstroke, such as: |
Use additional |
coma and stupor (R40.-) |
Use additional |
rhabdomyolysis (M62.82) |
Use additional |
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (R65.1-) |
T67.01 |
Heatstroke and sunstroke Heat apoplexy Heat pyrexia Siriasis Thermoplegia
T67.02 |
Exertional heatstroke
T67.09 |
Other heatstroke and sunstroke
T67.1 |
Heat syncope Heat collapse
T67.2 |
Heat cramp
T67.3 |
Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic Heat prostration due to water depletion
Excludes 1: |
heat exhaustion due to salt depletion (T67.4)
T67.4 |
Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion Heat prostration due to salt (and water) depletion
T67.5 |
Heat exhaustion, unspecified Heat prostration NOS
T67.6 |
Heat fatigue, transient
T67.7 |
Heat edema
T67.8 |
Other effects of heat and light
T67.9 |
Effect of heat and light, unspecified
T68 |
Hypothermia Accidental hypothermia Hypothermia NOS
Use additional |
code to identify source of exposure: |
Use additional |
Exposure to excessive cold of man-made origin (W93) |
Use additional |
Exposure to excessive cold of natural origin (X31) |
Excludes 1: |
hypothermia following anesthesia (T88.51) hypothermia not associated with low environmental temperature (R68.0) hypothermia of newborn (P80.-)
Excludes 2: |
frostbite (T33-T34)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code T68 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T69 |
Other effects of reduced temperature [+]
Use additional |
code to identify source of exposure: |
Use additional |
Exposure to excessive cold of man-made origin (W93) |
Use additional |
Exposure to excessive cold of natural origin (X31) |
Excludes 2: |
frostbite (T33-T34)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T69 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T69.0 |
Immersion hand and foot [+]
T69.01 |
Immersion hand [+]
T69.011 |
Immersion hand, right hand
T69.012 |
Immersion hand, left hand
T69.019 |
Immersion hand, unspecified hand
T69.02 |
Immersion foot [+] Trench foot
T69.021 |
Immersion foot, right foot
T69.022 |
Immersion foot, left foot
T69.029 |
Immersion foot, unspecified foot
T69.1 |
T69.8 |
Other specified effects of reduced temperature
T69.9 |
Effect of reduced temperature, unspecified
T70 |
Effects of air pressure and water pressure [+]
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T70 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T70.0 |
Otitic barotrauma Aero-otitis media Effects of change in ambient atmospheric pressure or water pressure on ears
T70.1 |
Sinus barotrauma Aerosinusitis Effects of change in ambient atmospheric pressure on sinuses
T70.2 |
Other and unspecified effects of high altitude [+]
Excludes 2: |
polycythemia due to high altitude (D75.1)
T70.20 |
Unspecified effects of high altitude
T70.29 |
Other effects of high altitude Alpine sickness Anoxia due to high altitude Barotrauma NOS Hypobaropathy Mountain sickness
T70.3 |
Caisson disease [decompression sickness] Compressed-air disease Diver's palsy or paralysis
T70.4 |
Effects of high-pressure fluids Hydraulic jet injection (industrial) Pneumatic jet injection (industrial) Traumatic jet injection (industrial)
T70.8 |
Other effects of air pressure and water pressure
T70.9 |
Effect of air pressure and water pressure, unspecified
T71 |
Asphyxiation [+] Mechanical suffocation Traumatic suffocation
Excludes 1: |
acute respiratory distress (syndrome) (J80) anoxia due to high altitude (T70.2) asphyxia NOS (R09.01) asphyxia from carbon monoxide (T58.-) asphyxia from inhalation of food or foreign body (T17.-) asphyxia from other gases, fumes and vapors (T59.-) respiratory distress (syndrome) in newborn (P22.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T71 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T71.1 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing [+] Suffocation due to mechanical threat to breathing
T71.11 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow [+]
T71.111 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, accidental Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow NOS
T71.112 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, intentional self-harm
T71.113 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, assault
T71.114 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, undetermined
T71.12 |
Asphyxiation due to plastic bag [+]
T71.121 |
Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, accidental Asphyxiation due to plastic bag NOS
T71.122 |
Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, intentional self-harm
T71.123 |
Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, assault
T71.124 |
Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, undetermined
T71.13 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens [+]
T71.131 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, accidental Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens NOS
T71.132 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, intentional self-harm
T71.133 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, assault
T71.134 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, undetermined
T71.14 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed) [+]
T71.141 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), accidental Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed) NOS
T71.143 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), assault
T71.144 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), undetermined
T71.15 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture [+]
T71.151 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, accidental Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture NOS
T71.152 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, intentional self-harm
T71.153 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, assault
T71.154 |
Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, undetermined
T71.16 |
Asphyxiation due to hanging [+] Hanging by window shade cord
Use additional |
code for any associated injuries, such as: |
Use additional |
crushing injury of neck (S17.-) |
Use additional |
fracture of cervical vertebrae (S12.0-S12.2-) |
Use additional |
open wound of neck (S11.-) |
T71.161 |
Asphyxiation due to hanging, accidental Asphyxiation due to hanging NOS Hanging NOS
T71.162 |
Asphyxiation due to hanging, intentional self-harm
T71.163 |
Asphyxiation due to hanging, assault
T71.164 |
Asphyxiation due to hanging, undetermined
T71.19 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes [+]
T71.191 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, accidental Asphyxiation due to other causes NOS
T71.192 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, intentional self-harm
T71.193 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, assault
T71.194 |
Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, undetermined
T71.2 |
Asphyxiation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air [+] Suffocation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air
T71.20 |
Asphyxiation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air due to unspecified cause
T71.21 |
Asphyxiation due to cave-in or falling earth
Use additional |
code for any associated cataclysm (X34-X38) |
T71.22 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk [+]
T71.221 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, accidental
T71.222 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, intentional self-harm
T71.223 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, assault
T71.224 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, undetermined
T71.23 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator [+]
T71.231 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, accidental
T71.232 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, intentional self-harm
T71.233 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, assault
T71.234 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, undetermined
T71.29 |
Asphyxiation due to being trapped in other low oxygen environment
T71.9 |
Asphyxiation due to unspecified cause Suffocation (by strangulation) due to unspecified cause Suffocation NOS Systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air due to unspecified cause Systemic oxygen deficiency due to mechanical threat to breathing due to unspecified cause Traumatic asphyxia NOS
T73 |
Effects of other deprivation [+]
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T73 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T73.0 |
Starvation Deprivation of food
T73.1 |
Deprivation of water
T73.2 |
Exhaustion due to exposure
T73.3 |
Exhaustion due to excessive exertion Exhaustion due to overexertion
T73.8 |
Other effects of deprivation
T73.9 |
Effect of deprivation, unspecified
T74 |
Adult and child abuse, neglect and other maltreatment, confirmed [+]
Use additional |
code, if applicable, to identify any associated current injury |
Use additional |
external cause code to identify perpetrator, if known (Y07.-) |
Excludes 1: |
abuse and maltreatment in pregnancy (O9A.3-, O9A.4-, O9A.5-) adult and child maltreatment, suspected (T76.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T74 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T74.0 |
Neglect or abandonment, confirmed [+]
T74.01 |
Adult neglect or abandonment, confirmed
T74.02 |
Child neglect or abandonment, confirmed
T74.1 |
Physical abuse, confirmed [+]
Excludes 2: |
sexual abuse (T74.2-)
T74.11 |
Adult physical abuse, confirmed
T74.12 |
Child physical abuse, confirmed
Excludes 2: |
shaken infant syndrome (T74.4)
T74.2 |
Sexual abuse, confirmed [+] Rape, confirmed Sexual assault, confirmed
T74.21 |
Adult sexual abuse, confirmed
T74.22 |
Child sexual abuse, confirmed
T74.3 |
Psychological abuse, confirmed [+] Bullying and intimidation, confirmed Intimidation through social media, confirmed Target of threatened harm, confirmed Target of threatened physical violence, confirmed Target of threatened sexual abuse, confirmed
T74.31 |
Adult psychological abuse, confirmed
T74.32 |
Child psychological abuse, confirmed
T74.4 |
Shaken infant syndrome
T74.5 |
Forced sexual exploitation, confirmed [+]
T74.51 |
Adult forced sexual exploitation, confirmed
T74.52 |
Child sexual exploitation, confirmed
T74.6 |
Forced labor exploitation, confirmed [+]
T74.61 |
Adult forced labor exploitation, confirmed
T74.62 |
Child forced labor exploitation, confirmed
T74.9 |
Unspecified maltreatment, confirmed [+]
T74.91 |
Unspecified adult maltreatment, confirmed
T74.92 |
Unspecified child maltreatment, confirmed
T74.A |
Financial abuse, confirmed [+]
T74.A1 |
Adult financial abuse, confirmed
T74.A2 |
Child financial abuse, confirmed
T75 |
Other and unspecified effects of other external causes [+]
Excludes 1: |
adverse effects NEC (T78.-)
Excludes 2: |
burns (electric) (T20-T31)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T75 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T75.0 |
Effects of lightning [+] Struck by lightning
T75.00 |
Unspecified effects of lightning Struck by lightning NOS
T75.01 |
Shock due to being struck by lightning
T75.09 |
Other effects of lightning
Use additional |
code for other effects of lightning |
T75.1 |
Unspecified effects of drowning and nonfatal submersion Immersion
Excludes 1: |
specified effects of drowning- code to effects
T75.2 |
Effects of vibration [+]
T75.20 |
Unspecified effects of vibration
T75.21 |
Pneumatic hammer syndrome
T75.22 |
Traumatic vasospastic syndrome
T75.23 |
Vertigo from infrasound
Excludes 1: |
vertigo NOS (R42)
T75.29 |
Other effects of vibration
T75.3 |
Motion sickness Airsickness Seasickness Travel sickness
Use additional |
external cause code to identify vehicle or type of motion (Y92.81-) |
T75.4 |
Electrocution Shock from electric current Shock from electroshock gun (taser)
T75.8 |
Other specified effects of external causes [+]
T75.81 |
Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces
T75.82 |
Effects of weightlessness
T75.89 |
Other specified effects of external causes
T76 |
Adult and child abuse, neglect and other maltreatment, suspected [+]
Use additional |
code, if applicable, to identify any associated current injury |
Excludes 1: |
adult and child maltreatment, confirmed (T74.-) suspected abuse and maltreatment in pregnancy (O9A.3-, O9A.4-, O9A.5-) suspected adult physical abuse, ruled out (Z04.71) suspected adult sexual abuse, ruled out (Z04.41) suspected child physical abuse, ruled out (Z04.72) suspected child sexual abuse, ruled out (Z04.42)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T76 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T76.0 |
Neglect or abandonment, suspected [+]
T76.01 |
Adult neglect or abandonment, suspected
T76.02 |
Child neglect or abandonment, suspected
T76.1 |
Physical abuse, suspected [+]
T76.11 |
Adult physical abuse, suspected
T76.12 |
Child physical abuse, suspected
T76.2 |
Sexual abuse, suspected [+] Rape, suspected
Excludes 1: |
alleged abuse, ruled out (Z04.7)
T76.21 |
Adult sexual abuse, suspected
T76.22 |
Child sexual abuse, suspected
T76.3 |
Psychological abuse, suspected [+] Bullying and intimidation, suspected Intimidation through social media, suspected Target of threatened harm, suspected Target of threatened physical violence, suspected Target of threatened sexual abuse, suspected
T76.31 |
Adult psychological abuse, suspected
T76.32 |
Child psychological abuse, suspected
T76.5 |
Forced sexual exploitation, suspected [+]
T76.51 |
Adult forced sexual exploitation, suspected
T76.52 |
Child sexual exploitation, suspected
T76.6 |
Forced labor exploitation, suspected [+]
T76.61 |
Adult forced labor exploitation, suspected
T76.62 |
Child forced labor exploitation, suspected
T76.9 |
Unspecified maltreatment, suspected [+]
T76.91 |
Unspecified adult maltreatment, suspected
T76.92 |
Unspecified child maltreatment, suspected
T76.A |
Financial abuse, suspected [+]
T76.A1 |
Adult financial abuse, suspected
T76.A2 |
Child financial abuse, suspected
T78 |
Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified [+]
Excludes 2: |
complications of surgical and medical care NEC (T80-T88)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T78 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela
T78.0 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to food [+] Anaphylactic reaction due to adverse food reaction Anaphylactic shock or reaction due to nonpoisonous foods Anaphylactoid reaction due to food
T78.00 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to unspecified food
T78.01 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts
T78.02 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to shellfish (crustaceans)
T78.03 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to other fish
T78.04 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to fruits and vegetables
T78.05 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to tree nuts and seeds
Excludes 2: |
anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts (T78.01)
T78.06 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to food additives
T78.07 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to milk and dairy products
T78.08 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to eggs
T78.09 |
Anaphylactic reaction due to other food products
T78.1 |
Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified
Use additional |
code to identify the type of reaction, if applicable |
Excludes 1: |
anaphylactic reaction or shock due to adverse food reaction (T78.0-) anaphylactic reaction due to food (T78.0-) bacterial food borne intoxications (A05.-)
Excludes 2: |
allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis (K52.29) allergic rhinitis due to food (J30.5) dermatitis due to food in contact with skin (L23.6, L24.6, L25.4) dermatitis due to ingested food (L27.2) food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (K52.21) food protein-induced enteropathy (K52.22)
T78.2 |
Anaphylactic shock, unspecified Allergic shock Anaphylactic reaction Anaphylaxis
Excludes 1: |
anaphylactic reaction or shock due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered (T88.6) anaphylactic reaction or shock due to adverse food reaction (T78.0-) anaphylactic reaction or shock due to serum (T80.5-)
T78.3 |
Angioneurotic edema Allergic angioedema Giant urticaria Quincke's edema
Excludes 1: |
serum urticaria (T80.6-) urticaria (L50.-)
T78.4 |
Other and unspecified allergy [+]
Excludes 1: |
specified types of allergic reaction such as: allergic diarrhea (K52.29) allergic gastroenteritis and colitis (K52.29) dermatitis (L23-L25, L27.-) food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (K52.21) food protein-induced enteropathy (K52.22) hay fever (J30.1)
T78.40 |
Allergy, unspecified Allergic reaction NOS Hypersensitivity NOS
T78.41 |
Arthus phenomenon Arthus reaction
T78.49 |
Other allergy
T78.8 |
Other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified