O85 |
Puerperal sepsis Postpartum sepsis Puerperal peritonitis Puerperal pyemia
Use additional |
code (B95-B97), to identify infectious agent |
Use additional |
code (R65.2-) to identify severe sepsis, if applicable |
Excludes 1: |
fever of unknown origin following delivery (O86.4) obstetric pyemic and septic embolism (O88.3-) puerperal septic thrombophlebitis (O86.81)
Excludes 2: |
genital tract infection following delivery (O86.1-) sepsis during labor (O75.3) urinary tract infection following delivery (O86.2-)
O86 |
Other puerperal infections [+]
Use additional |
code (B95-B97), to identify infectious agent |
Excludes 2: |
infection during labor (O75.3) obstetrical tetanus (A34)
O86.0 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound [+] Infected cesarean delivery wound following delivery Infected perineal repair following delivery
Excludes 1: |
complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified (T81.4-) postprocedural fever NOS (R50.82) postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess (K68.11)
O86.00 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound, unspecified
O86.01 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound, superficial incisional site Subcutaneous abscess following an obstetrical procedure Stitch abscess following an obstetrical procedure
O86.02 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound, deep incisional site Intramuscular abscess following an obstetrical procedure Sub-fascial abscess following an obstetrical procedure
O86.03 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound, organ and space site Intraabdominal abscess following an obstetrical procedure Subphrenic abscess following an obstetrical procedure
O86.04 |
Sepsis following an obstetrical procedure
Use additional |
code to identify the sepsis |
O86.09 |
Infection of obstetric surgical wound, other surgical site
O86.1 |
Other infection of genital tract following delivery [+]
O86.11 |
Cervicitis following delivery
O86.12 |
Endometritis following delivery
O86.13 |
Vaginitis following delivery
O86.19 |
Other infection of genital tract following delivery
O86.2 |
Urinary tract infection following delivery [+]
O86.20 |
Urinary tract infection following delivery, unspecified Puerperal urinary tract infection NOS
O86.21 |
Infection of kidney following delivery
O86.22 |
Infection of bladder following delivery Infection of urethra following delivery
O86.29 |
Other urinary tract infection following delivery
O86.4 |
Pyrexia of unknown origin following delivery Puerperal infection NOS following delivery Puerperal pyrexia NOS following delivery
Excludes 2: |
pyrexia during labor (O75.2)
O86.8 |
Other specified puerperal infections [+]
O86.81 |
Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis
O86.89 |
Other specified puerperal infections
O87 |
Venous complications and hemorrhoids in the puerperium [+]
Includes: |
venous complications in labor, delivery and the puerperium
Excludes 2: |
obstetric embolism (O88.-) puerperal septic thrombophlebitis (O86.81) venous complications in pregnancy (O22.-)
O87.0 |
Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium Puerperal phlebitis NOS Puerperal thrombosis NOS
Use additional |
code, if applicable, to identify the superficial vein thrombosis, such as thrombosis of superficial vessels of lower extremities (I80.0-) |
O87.1 |
Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium Deep vein thrombosis, postpartum Pelvic thrombophlebitis, postpartum
Use additional |
code to identify the deep vein thrombosis (I82.4-, I82.5-, I82.62-, I82.72-) |
Use additional |
code, if applicable, for associated long-term (current) use of anticoagulants (Z79.01) |
O87.2 |
Hemorrhoids in the puerperium
O87.3 |
Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium Cerebrovenous sinus thrombosis in the puerperium
O87.4 |
Varicose veins of lower extremity in the puerperium
O87.8 |
Other venous complications in the puerperium Genital varices in the puerperium
O87.9 |
Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified Puerperal phlebopathy NOS
O88 |
Obstetric embolism [+]
Excludes 1: |
embolism complicating abortion NOS (O03.2) embolism complicating ectopic or molar pregnancy (O08.2) embolism complicating failed attempted abortion (O07.2) embolism complicating induced abortion (O04.7) embolism complicating spontaneous abortion (O03.2, O03.7)
O88.0 |
Obstetric air embolism [+]
O88.01 |
Obstetric air embolism in pregnancy [+]
O88.011 |
Air embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.012 |
Air embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.013 |
Air embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.019 |
Air embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.02 |
Air embolism in childbirth
O88.03 |
Air embolism in the puerperium
O88.1 |
Amniotic fluid embolism [+] Anaphylactoid syndrome in pregnancy
O88.11 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy [+]
O88.111 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.112 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.113 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.119 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.12 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in childbirth
O88.13 |
Amniotic fluid embolism in the puerperium
O88.2 |
Obstetric thromboembolism [+]
O88.21 |
Thromboembolism in pregnancy [+] Obstetric (pulmonary) embolism NOS
O88.211 |
Thromboembolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.212 |
Thromboembolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.213 |
Thromboembolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.219 |
Thromboembolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.22 |
Thromboembolism in childbirth
O88.23 |
Thromboembolism in the puerperium Puerperal (pulmonary) embolism NOS
O88.3 |
Obstetric pyemic and septic embolism [+]
O88.31 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy [+]
O88.311 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.312 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.313 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.319 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.32 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in childbirth
O88.33 |
Pyemic and septic embolism in the puerperium
O88.8 |
Other obstetric embolism [+] Obstetric fat embolism
O88.81 |
Other embolism in pregnancy [+]
O88.811 |
Other embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
O88.812 |
Other embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
O88.813 |
Other embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
O88.819 |
Other embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O88.82 |
Other embolism in childbirth
O88.83 |
Other embolism in the puerperium
O89 |
Complications of anesthesia during the puerperium [+]
Includes: |
maternal complications arising from the administration of a general, regional or local anesthetic, analgesic or other sedation during the puerperium
Use additional |
code, if applicable, to identify specific complication |
O89.0 |
Pulmonary complications of anesthesia during the puerperium [+]
O89.01 |
Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during the puerperium Inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS due to anesthesia during the puerperium Mendelson's syndrome due to anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.09 |
Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.1 |
Cardiac complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.2 |
Central nervous system complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.3 |
Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.4 |
Spinal and epidural anesthesia-induced headache during the puerperium
O89.5 |
Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.6 |
Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.8 |
Other complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
O89.9 |
Complication of anesthesia during the puerperium, unspecified
O90 |
Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified [+]
O90.0 |
Disruption of cesarean delivery wound Dehiscence of cesarean delivery wound
Excludes 1: |
rupture of uterus (spontaneous) before onset of labor (O71.0-) rupture of uterus during labor (O71.1)
O90.1 |
Disruption of perineal obstetric wound Disruption of wound of episiotomy Disruption of wound of perineal laceration Secondary perineal tear
O90.2 |
Hematoma of obstetric wound
O90.3 |
Peripartum cardiomyopathy Conditions in I42.- arising during pregnancy and the puerperium
Excludes 1: |
pre-existing heart disease complicating pregnancy and the puerperium (O99.4-)
O90.4 |
Postpartum acute kidney failure [+]
Excludes 1: |
non-anuria and oliguria (R34)
O90.41 |
Hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery
O90.49 |
Other postpartum acute kidney failure Postpartum acute kidney failure Puerperal anuria Puerperal oliguria
O90.5 |
Postpartum thyroiditis
O90.6 |
Postpartum mood disturbance Postpartum blues Postpartum dysphoria Postpartum sadness
Excludes 1: |
postpartum depression (F53.0) puerperal psychosis (F53.1)
O90.8 |
Other complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified [+]
O90.81 |
Anemia of the puerperium Postpartum anemia NOS
Excludes 1: |
pre-existing anemia complicating the puerperium (O99.03)
O90.89 |
Other complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified Placental polyp
O90.9 |
Complication of the puerperium, unspecified
O91 |
Infections of breast associated with pregnancy, the puerperium and lactation [+]
Use additional |
code to identify infection |
O91.0 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy, the puerperium and lactation [+]
O91.01 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy [+] Gestational abscess of nipple
O91.011 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy, first trimester
O91.012 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy, second trimester
O91.013 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy, third trimester
O91.019 |
Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O91.02 |
Infection of nipple associated with the puerperium Puerperal abscess of nipple
O91.03 |
Infection of nipple associated with lactation Abscess of nipple associated with lactation
O91.1 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, the puerperium and lactation [+]
O91.11 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy [+] Gestational mammary abscess Gestational purulent mastitis Gestational subareolar abscess
O91.111 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, first trimester
O91.112 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, second trimester
O91.113 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, third trimester
O91.119 |
Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O91.12 |
Abscess of breast associated with the puerperium Puerperal mammary abscess Puerperal purulent mastitis Puerperal subareolar abscess
O91.13 |
Abscess of breast associated with lactation Mammary abscess associated with lactation Purulent mastitis associated with lactation Subareolar abscess associated with lactation
O91.2 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy, the puerperium and lactation [+]
O91.21 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy [+] Gestational interstitial mastitis Gestational lymphangitis of breast Gestational mastitis NOS Gestational parenchymatous mastitis
O91.211 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy, first trimester
O91.212 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy, second trimester
O91.213 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy, third trimester
O91.219 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O91.22 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with the puerperium Puerperal interstitial mastitis Puerperal lymphangitis of breast Puerperal mastitis NOS Puerperal parenchymatous mastitis
O91.23 |
Nonpurulent mastitis associated with lactation Interstitial mastitis associated with lactation Lymphangitis of breast associated with lactation Mastitis NOS associated with lactation Parenchymatous mastitis associated with lactation
O92 |
Other disorders of breast and disorders of lactation associated with pregnancy and the puerperium [+]
O92.0 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, the puerperium, and lactation [+]
O92.01 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy [+]
O92.011 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, first trimester
O92.012 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, second trimester
O92.013 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, third trimester
O92.019 |
Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O92.02 |
Retracted nipple associated with the puerperium
O92.03 |
Retracted nipple associated with lactation
O92.1 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, the puerperium, and lactation [+] Fissure of nipple, gestational or puerperal
O92.11 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy [+]
O92.111 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, first trimester
O92.112 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, second trimester
O92.113 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, third trimester
O92.119 |
Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O92.12 |
Cracked nipple associated with the puerperium
O92.13 |
Cracked nipple associated with lactation
O92.2 |
Other and unspecified disorders of breast associated with pregnancy and the puerperium [+]
O92.20 |
Unspecified disorder of breast associated with pregnancy and the puerperium
O92.29 |
Other disorders of breast associated with pregnancy and the puerperium
O92.3 |
Agalactia Primary agalactia
Excludes 1: |
Elective agalactia (O92.5) Secondary agalactia (O92.5) Therapeutic agalactia (O92.5)
O92.4 |
O92.5 |
Suppressed lactation Elective agalactia Secondary agalactia Therapeutic agalactia
Excludes 1: |
primary agalactia (O92.3)
O92.6 |
O92.7 |
Other and unspecified disorders of lactation [+]
O92.70 |
Unspecified disorders of lactation
O92.79 |
Other disorders of lactation Puerperal galactocele