K70 |
Alcoholic liver disease [+]
Use additional |
code to identify: |
Use additional |
alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-) |
K70.0 |
Alcoholic fatty liver
K70.1 |
Alcoholic hepatitis [+]
K70.10 |
Alcoholic hepatitis without ascites
K70.11 |
Alcoholic hepatitis with ascites
K70.2 |
Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
K70.3 |
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver [+] Alcoholic cirrhosis NOS
K70.30 |
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without ascites
K70.31 |
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver with ascites
K70.4 |
Alcoholic hepatic failure [+] Acute alcoholic hepatic failure Alcoholic hepatic failure NOS Chronic alcoholic hepatic failure Subacute alcoholic hepatic failure
K70.40 |
Alcoholic hepatic failure without coma
K70.41 |
Alcoholic hepatic failure with coma
K70.9 |
Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified
K71 |
Toxic liver disease [+]
Code first |
poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4)
Includes: |
drug-induced idiosyncratic (unpredictable) liver disease drug-induced toxic (predictable) liver disease
Use additional |
code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) |
Excludes 2: |
alcoholic liver disease (K70.-) Budd-Chiari syndrome (I82.0)
K71.0 |
Toxic liver disease with cholestasis Cholestasis with hepatocyte injury 'Pure' cholestasis
K71.1 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis [+] Hepatic failure (acute) (chronic) due to drugs
K71.10 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, without coma
K71.11 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, with coma
K71.2 |
Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis
K71.3 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis
K71.4 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis
K71.5 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis [+] Toxic liver disease with lupoid hepatitis
K71.50 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis without ascites
K71.51 |
Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis with ascites
K71.6 |
Toxic liver disease with hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K71.7 |
Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
K71.8 |
Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver Toxic liver disease with focal nodular hyperplasia Toxic liver disease with hepatic granulomas Toxic liver disease with peliosis hepatis Toxic liver disease with veno-occlusive disease of liver
K71.9 |
Toxic liver disease, unspecified
K72 |
Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified [+]
Includes: |
fulminant hepatitis NEC, with hepatic failure liver (cell) necrosis with hepatic failure malignant hepatitis NEC, with hepatic failure yellow liver atrophy or dystrophy
Excludes 1: |
alcoholic hepatic failure (K70.4) hepatic failure with toxic liver disease (K71.1-) icterus of newborn (P55-P59) postprocedural hepatic failure (K91.82)
Excludes 2: |
hepatic failure complicating abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.8) hepatic failure complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O26.6-) viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (B15-B19)
K72.0 |
Acute and subacute hepatic failure [+] Acute non-viral hepatitis NOS
K72.00 |
Acute and subacute hepatic failure without coma
K72.01 |
Acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma
K72.1 |
Chronic hepatic failure [+] End stage liver disease
K72.10 |
Chronic hepatic failure without coma
K72.11 |
Chronic hepatic failure with coma
K72.9 |
Hepatic failure, unspecified [+]
K72.90 |
Hepatic failure, unspecified without coma
K72.91 |
Hepatic failure, unspecified with coma Hepatic coma NOS
K73 |
Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified [+]
Excludes 1: |
alcoholic hepatitis (chronic) (K70.1-) drug-induced hepatitis (chronic) (K71.-) granulomatous hepatitis (chronic) NEC (K75.3) reactive, nonspecific hepatitis (chronic) (K75.2) viral hepatitis (chronic) (B15-B19)
K73.0 |
Chronic persistent hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K73.1 |
Chronic lobular hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K73.2 |
Chronic active hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K73.8 |
Other chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K73.9 |
Chronic hepatitis, unspecified
K74 |
Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver [+]
Code also |
, if applicable, viral hepatitis (acute) (chronic) (B15-B19)
Excludes 1: |
alcoholic cirrhosis (of liver) (K70.3) alcoholic fibrosis of liver (K70.2) cardiac sclerosis of liver (K76.1) cirrhosis (of liver) with toxic liver disease (K71.7) congenital cirrhosis (of liver) (P78.81) pigmentary cirrhosis (of liver) (E83.110)
K74.0 |
Hepatic fibrosis [+]
Code first |
underlying liver disease, such as: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (K75.81)
K74.00 |
Hepatic fibrosis, unspecified
K74.01 |
Hepatic fibrosis, early fibrosis Hepatic fibrosis, stage F1 or stage F2
K74.02 |
Hepatic fibrosis, advanced fibrosis Hepatic fibrosis, stage F3
Excludes 1: |
cirrhosis of liver (K74.6-) hepatic fibrosis, stage F4 (K74.6-)
K74.1 |
Hepatic sclerosis
K74.2 |
Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis
K74.3 |
Primary biliary cirrhosis Chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis Primary biliary cholangitis
Excludes 2: |
primary sclerosing cholangitis (K83.01)
K74.4 |
Secondary biliary cirrhosis
K74.5 |
Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified
K74.6 |
Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver [+]
K74.60 |
Unspecified cirrhosis of liver Cirrhosis (of liver) NOS
K74.69 |
Other cirrhosis of liver Cryptogenic cirrhosis (of liver) Macronodular cirrhosis (of liver) Micronodular cirrhosis (of liver) Mixed type cirrhosis (of liver) Portal cirrhosis (of liver) Postnecrotic cirrhosis (of liver)
K75 |
Other inflammatory liver diseases [+]
Excludes 2: |
toxic liver disease (K71.-)
K75.0 |
Abscess of liver Cholangitic hepatic abscess Hematogenic hepatic abscess Hepatic abscess NOS Lymphogenic hepatic abscess Pylephlebitic hepatic abscess
Excludes 1: |
amebic liver abscess (A06.4) cholangitis without liver abscess (K83.09) pylephlebitis without liver abscess (K75.1)
Excludes 2: |
acute or subacute hepatitis NOS (B17.9) acute or subacute non-viral hepatitis (K72.0) chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.8)
K75.1 |
Phlebitis of portal vein Pylephlebitis
Excludes 1: |
pylephlebitic liver abscess (K75.0)
K75.2 |
Nonspecific reactive hepatitis
Excludes 1: |
acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-) chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-) viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
K75.3 |
Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
Excludes 1: |
acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-) chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-) viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
K75.4 |
Autoimmune hepatitis Lupoid hepatitis NEC
K75.8 |
Other specified inflammatory liver diseases [+]
K75.81 |
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Use additional |
code, if applicable, hepatic fibrosis (K74.0-) |
K75.89 |
Other specified inflammatory liver diseases
K75.9 |
Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified Hepatitis NOS
Excludes 1: |
acute or subacute hepatitis (K72.0-) chronic hepatitis NEC (K73.-) viral hepatitis (B15-B19)
K76 |
Other diseases of liver [+]
Excludes 2: |
alcoholic liver disease (K70.-) amyloid degeneration of liver (E85.-) cystic disease of liver (congenital) (Q44.6) hepatic vein thrombosis (I82.0) hepatomegaly NOS (R16.0) pigmentary cirrhosis (of liver) (E83.110) portal vein thrombosis (I81) toxic liver disease (K71.-)
K76.0 |
Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Excludes 1: |
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (K75.81)
K76.1 |
Chronic passive congestion of liver Cardiac cirrhosis Cardiac sclerosis
K76.2 |
Central hemorrhagic necrosis of liver
Excludes 1: |
liver necrosis with hepatic failure (K72.-)
K76.3 |
Infarction of liver
K76.4 |
Peliosis hepatis Hepatic angiomatosis
K76.5 |
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease
Excludes 1: |
Budd-Chiari syndrome (I82.0)
K76.6 |
Portal hypertension
Use additional |
code for any associated complications, such as: |
Use additional |
portal hypertensive gastropathy (K31.89) |
K76.7 |
Hepatorenal syndrome
Excludes 1: |
hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery (O90.41) postprocedural hepatorenal syndrome (K91.83)
K76.8 |
Other specified diseases of liver [+]
K76.81 |
Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Code first |
underlying liver disease, such as: alcoholic cirrhosis of liver (K70.3-) cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol (K74.6-)
K76.82 |
Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatic encephalopathy, NOS Hepatic encephalopathy without coma Hepatocerebral intoxication Portal-systemic encephalopathy
Code also |
underlying liver disease, such as: acute and subacute hepatic failure without coma (K72.00) alcoholic hepatic failure without coma (K70.40) chronic hepatic failure without coma (K72.10) hepatic failure with toxic liver disease without coma (K71.10) hepatic failure without coma (K72.90) icterus of newborn (P55-P59) postprocedural hepatic failure (K91.82) viral hepatitis without hepatic coma (B15.9, B16.1, B16.9, B17.10, B19.10, B19.20, B19.9)
Excludes 1: |
acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma (K72.01) alcoholic hepatic failure with coma (K70.41) chronic hepatic failure with coma (K72.11) hepatic failure with coma (K72.91)
K76.89 |
Other specified diseases of liver Cyst (simple) of liver Focal nodular hyperplasia of liver Hepatoptosis
K76.9 |
Liver disease, unspecified
K77 |
Liver disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first |
underlying disease, such as: amyloidosis (E85.-) congenital syphilis (A50.0, A50.5) congenital toxoplasmosis (P37.1) infectious mononucleosis with liver disease (B27.0-B27.9 with fifth character 9) schistosomiasis (B65.0-B65.9)
Excludes 1: |
alcoholic hepatitis (K70.1-) alcoholic liver disease (K70.-) cytomegaloviral hepatitis (B25.1) herpesviral [herpes simplex] hepatitis (B00.81) mumps hepatitis (B26.81) sarcoidosis with liver disease (D86.89) secondary syphilis with liver disease (A51.45) syphilis (late) with liver disease (A52.74) toxoplasmosis (acquired) hepatitis (B58.1) tuberculosis with liver disease (A18.83)