A50 |
Congenital syphilis [+]
A50.0 |
Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic [+] Any congenital syphilitic condition specified as early or manifest less than two years after birth.
A50.01 |
Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy
A50.02 |
Early congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy
A50.03 |
Early congenital syphilitic pharyngitis Early congenital syphilitic laryngitis
A50.04 |
Early congenital syphilitic pneumonia
A50.05 |
Early congenital syphilitic rhinitis
A50.06 |
Early cutaneous congenital syphilis
A50.07 |
Early mucocutaneous congenital syphilis
A50.08 |
Early visceral congenital syphilis
A50.09 |
Other early congenital syphilis, symptomatic
A50.1 |
Early congenital syphilis, latent Congenital syphilis without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, less than two years after birth.
A50.2 |
Early congenital syphilis, unspecified Congenital syphilis NOS less than two years after birth.
A50.3 |
Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy [+]
Excludes 1: |
Hutchinson's triad (A50.53)
A50.30 |
Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy, unspecified
A50.31 |
Late congenital syphilitic interstitial keratitis
A50.32 |
Late congenital syphilitic chorioretinitis
A50.39 |
Other late congenital syphilitic oculopathy
A50.4 |
Late congenital neurosyphilis [juvenile neurosyphilis] [+]
Use additional |
code to identify any associated mental disorder |
Excludes 1: |
Hutchinson's triad (A50.53)
A50.40 |
Late congenital neurosyphilis, unspecified Juvenile neurosyphilis NOS
A50.41 |
Late congenital syphilitic meningitis
A50.42 |
Late congenital syphilitic encephalitis
A50.43 |
Late congenital syphilitic polyneuropathy
A50.44 |
Late congenital syphilitic optic nerve atrophy
A50.45 |
Juvenile general paresis Dementia paralytica juvenilis Juvenile taboparetic neurosyphilis
A50.49 |
Other late congenital neurosyphilis Juvenile tabes dorsalis
A50.5 |
Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic [+] Any congenital syphilitic condition specified as late or manifest two years or more after birth.
A50.51 |
Clutton's joints
A50.52 |
Hutchinson's teeth
A50.53 |
Hutchinson's triad
A50.54 |
Late congenital cardiovascular syphilis
A50.55 |
Late congenital syphilitic arthropathy
A50.56 |
Late congenital syphilitic osteochondropathy
A50.57 |
Syphilitic saddle nose
A50.59 |
Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic
A50.6 |
Late congenital syphilis, latent Congenital syphilis without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, two years or more after birth.
A50.7 |
Late congenital syphilis, unspecified Congenital syphilis NOS two years or more after birth.
A50.9 |
Congenital syphilis, unspecified
A51 |
Early syphilis [+]
A51.0 |
Primary genital syphilis Syphilitic chancre NOS
A51.1 |
Primary anal syphilis
A51.2 |
Primary syphilis of other sites
A51.3 |
Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes [+]
A51.31 |
Condyloma latum
A51.32 |
Syphilitic alopecia
A51.39 |
Other secondary syphilis of skin Syphilitic leukoderma Syphilitic mucous patch
Excludes 1: |
late syphilitic leukoderma (A52.79)
A51.4 |
Other secondary syphilis [+]
A51.41 |
Secondary syphilitic meningitis
A51.42 |
Secondary syphilitic female pelvic disease
A51.43 |
Secondary syphilitic oculopathy Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis Secondary syphilitic iridocyclitis, iritis Secondary syphilitic uveitis
A51.44 |
Secondary syphilitic nephritis
A51.45 |
Secondary syphilitic hepatitis
A51.46 |
Secondary syphilitic osteopathy
A51.49 |
Other secondary syphilitic conditions Secondary syphilitic lymphadenopathy Secondary syphilitic myositis
A51.5 |
Early syphilis, latent Syphilis (acquired) without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, less than two years after infection.
A51.9 |
Early syphilis, unspecified
A52 |
Late syphilis [+]
A52.0 |
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular syphilis [+]
A52.00 |
Cardiovascular syphilis, unspecified
A52.01 |
Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta
A52.02 |
Syphilitic aortitis
A52.03 |
Syphilitic endocarditis Syphilitic aortic valve incompetence or stenosis Syphilitic mitral valve stenosis Syphilitic pulmonary valve regurgitation
A52.04 |
Syphilitic cerebral arteritis
A52.05 |
Other cerebrovascular syphilis Syphilitic cerebral aneurysm (ruptured) (non-ruptured) Syphilitic cerebral thrombosis
A52.06 |
Other syphilitic heart involvement Syphilitic coronary artery disease Syphilitic myocarditis Syphilitic pericarditis
A52.09 |
Other cardiovascular syphilis
A52.1 |
Symptomatic neurosyphilis [+]
A52.10 |
Symptomatic neurosyphilis, unspecified
A52.11 |
Tabes dorsalis Locomotor ataxia (progressive) Tabetic neurosyphilis
A52.12 |
Other cerebrospinal syphilis
A52.13 |
Late syphilitic meningitis
A52.14 |
Late syphilitic encephalitis
A52.15 |
Late syphilitic neuropathy Late syphilitic acoustic neuritis Late syphilitic optic (nerve) atrophy Late syphilitic polyneuropathy Late syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis
A52.16 |
Charcôt's arthropathy (tabetic)
A52.17 |
General paresis Dementia paralytica
A52.19 |
Other symptomatic neurosyphilis Syphilitic parkinsonism
A52.2 |
Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
A52.3 |
Neurosyphilis, unspecified Gumma (syphilitic) Syphilis (late) Syphiloma
A52.7 |
Other symptomatic late syphilis [+]
A52.71 |
Late syphilitic oculopathy Late syphilitic chorioretinitis Late syphilitic episcleritis
A52.72 |
Syphilis of lung and bronchus
A52.73 |
Symptomatic late syphilis of other respiratory organs
A52.74 |
Syphilis of liver and other viscera Late syphilitic peritonitis
A52.75 |
Syphilis of kidney and ureter Syphilitic glomerular disease
A52.76 |
Other genitourinary symptomatic late syphilis Late syphilitic female pelvic inflammatory disease
A52.77 |
Syphilis of bone and joint
A52.78 |
Syphilis of other musculoskeletal tissue Late syphilitic bursitis Syphilis [stage unspecified] of bursa Syphilis [stage unspecified] of muscle Syphilis [stage unspecified] of synovium Syphilis [stage unspecified] of tendon
A52.79 |
Other symptomatic late syphilis Late syphilitic leukoderma Syphilis of adrenal gland Syphilis of pituitary gland Syphilis of thyroid gland Syphilitic splenomegaly
Excludes 1: |
syphilitic leukoderma (secondary) (A51.39)
A52.8 |
Late syphilis, latent Syphilis (acquired) without clinical manifestations, with positive serological reaction and negative spinal fluid test, two years or more after infection
A52.9 |
Late syphilis, unspecified
A53 |
Other and unspecified syphilis [+]
A53.0 |
Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late Latent syphilis NOS Positive serological reaction for syphilis
A53.9 |
Syphilis, unspecified Infection due to Treponema pallidum NOS Syphilis (acquired) NOS
Excludes 1: |
syphilis NOS under two years of age (A50.2)
A54 |
Gonococcal infection [+]
A54.0 |
Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess [+]
Excludes 1: |
gonococcal infection with genitourinary gland abscess (A54.1) gonococcal infection with periurethral abscess (A54.1)
A54.00 |
Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified
A54.01 |
Gonococcal cystitis and urethritis, unspecified
A54.02 |
Gonococcal vulvovaginitis, unspecified
A54.03 |
Gonococcal cervicitis, unspecified
A54.09 |
Other gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
A54.1 |
Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess Gonococcal Bartholin's gland abscess
A54.2 |
Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infection [+]
A54.21 |
Gonococcal infection of kidney and ureter
A54.22 |
Gonococcal prostatitis
A54.23 |
Gonococcal infection of other male genital organs Gonococcal epididymitis Gonococcal orchitis
A54.24 |
Gonococcal female pelvic inflammatory disease Gonococcal pelviperitonitis
Excludes 1: |
gonococcal peritonitis (A54.85)
A54.29 |
Other gonococcal genitourinary infections
A54.3 |
Gonococcal infection of eye [+]
A54.30 |
Gonococcal infection of eye, unspecified
A54.31 |
Gonococcal conjunctivitis Ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococcus
A54.32 |
Gonococcal iridocyclitis
A54.33 |
Gonococcal keratitis
A54.39 |
Other gonococcal eye infection Gonococcal endophthalmia
A54.4 |
Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system [+]
A54.40 |
Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
A54.41 |
Gonococcal spondylopathy
A54.42 |
Gonococcal arthritis
Excludes 2: |
gonococcal infection of spine (A54.41)
A54.43 |
Gonococcal osteomyelitis
Excludes 2: |
gonococcal infection of spine (A54.41)
A54.49 |
Gonococcal infection of other musculoskeletal tissue Gonococcal bursitis Gonococcal myositis Gonococcal synovitis Gonococcal tenosynovitis
A54.5 |
Gonococcal pharyngitis
A54.6 |
Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum
A54.8 |
Other gonococcal infections [+]
A54.81 |
Gonococcal meningitis
A54.82 |
Gonococcal brain abscess
A54.83 |
Gonococcal heart infection Gonococcal endocarditis Gonococcal myocarditis Gonococcal pericarditis
A54.84 |
Gonococcal pneumonia
A54.85 |
Gonococcal peritonitis
Excludes 1: |
gonococcal pelviperitonitis (A54.24)
A54.86 |
Gonococcal sepsis
A54.89 |
Other gonococcal infections Gonococcal keratoderma Gonococcal lymphadenitis
A54.9 |
Gonococcal infection, unspecified
A55 |
Chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum) Climatic or tropical bubo Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease Esthiomene Lymphogranuloma inguinale
A56 |
Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases [+]
Includes: |
sexually transmitted diseases due to Chlamydia trachomatis
Excludes 1: |
neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis (P39.1) neonatal chlamydial pneumonia (P23.1)
Excludes 2: |
chlamydial lymphogranuloma (A55) conditions classified to A74.-
A56.0 |
Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract [+]
A56.00 |
Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecified
A56.01 |
Chlamydial cystitis and urethritis
A56.02 |
Chlamydial vulvovaginitis
A56.09 |
Other chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract Chlamydial cervicitis
A56.1 |
Chlamydial infection of pelviperitoneum and other genitourinary organs [+]
A56.11 |
Chlamydial female pelvic inflammatory disease
A56.19 |
Other chlamydial genitourinary infection Chlamydial epididymitis Chlamydial orchitis
A56.2 |
Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified
A56.3 |
Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum
A56.4 |
Chlamydial infection of pharynx
A56.8 |
Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites
A57 |
Chancroid Ulcus molle
A58 |
Granuloma inguinale Donovanosis
A59 |
Trichomoniasis [+]
Excludes 2: |
intestinal trichomoniasis (A07.8)
A59.0 |
Urogenital trichomoniasis [+]
A59.00 |
Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified Fluor (vaginalis) due to Trichomonas Leukorrhea (vaginalis) due to Trichomonas
A59.01 |
Trichomonal vulvovaginitis
A59.02 |
Trichomonal prostatitis
A59.03 |
Trichomonal cystitis and urethritis
A59.09 |
Other urogenital trichomoniasis Trichomonas cervicitis
A59.8 |
Trichomoniasis of other sites
A59.9 |
Trichomoniasis, unspecified
A60 |
Anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections [+]
A60.0 |
Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract [+]
A60.00 |
Herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecified
A60.01 |
Herpesviral infection of penis
A60.02 |
Herpesviral infection of other male genital organs
A60.03 |
Herpesviral cervicitis
A60.04 |
Herpesviral vulvovaginitis Herpesviral [herpes simplex] ulceration Herpesviral [herpes simplex] vaginitis Herpesviral [herpes simplex] vulvitis
A60.09 |
Herpesviral infection of other urogenital tract
A60.1 |
Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum
A60.9 |
Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified
A63 |
Other predominantly sexually transmitted diseases, not elsewhere classified [+]
Excludes 2: |
molluscum contagiosum (B08.1) papilloma of cervix (D26.0)
A63.0 |
Anogenital (venereal) warts Anogenital warts due to (human) papillomavirus [HPV] Condyloma acuminatum
A63.8 |
Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseases
A64 |
Unspecified sexually transmitted disease